

To achieve the learning outcomes, the curriculum of the Master of Linguistics Study Program is structured in such a way, including a number of courses grouped into: (a) University Compulsory Courses, (b) Faculty Compulsory Courses, (c) Study Program Compulsory Courses, (d) Field of Interest Compulsory Courses, and (e) Elective Courses.

a.University Compulsory Courses
Philosophy of Science 3 credits
Research Methods & Ethics 3 credits
b. Faculty Compulsory Courses
Theory of Culture2 credits
Semiotics3 credits
c. Study Program Compulsory Courses
General Linguistics4 credits
Semantics & Pragmatics 3 credits
Discourse Analysis3 credits
Seminar3 credits
Thesis8 credits

d. Field of Interest Compulsory Courses (student may choose one field of interest, as well as language of choice).

Descriptive Linguistic
Language Description 2 credits
Dialectology2 credits
Comparative Historical Linguistics 2 credits
Social Linguistic
Sociolinguistics2 credits
Anthropological Linguistics 2 credits
Cross Cultural Communication2 credits
Language Variations2 credits
Translation Studies
Theory of Translation 2 credits
Multimedia Translation2 credits
Contrastive Linguistics2 credits
Interpreting2 credits
Language of Interest
Indonesian Linguistics2 credits
Javanese Linguistics 2 credits
English Linguistics2 credits
French Linguistics2 credits
Arabic Linguistics2 credits
Japanese Linguistics2 credits
Korean Linguistics2 credits
Austronesian Linguistics2 credits

e. Elective Courses

Cognitive Linguistics 2 credits
Lexicography2 credits
Language Teaching2 credits
Literary Translation2 credits
Religious Text Translation2 credits
Forensic Linguistics2 credits
Psycholinguistics2 credits
Diaspora Linguistics2 credits
Language Politics2 credits
Language and Gender 2 credits
Second Language Acquisition2 credits
Language and Identity 2 credits
Poststructural Discourse Analysis2 credits
BIPA Teaching2 credits


Students are declared to have passed if:

  1. Have taken 42-50 credits (all compulsory courses + elective courses)
  2. Minimum grade point average of 3.0
  3. Maximum study period of 8 semesters
  4. Have published a thesis or part of a thesis in a national journal.

More information about the Master of Linguistic Study Program can be seen in the academic guidebook.