On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the representatives of three study programs, the Master’s Program in Linguistics, Undergraduate Program in Philosophy, and Undergraduate Program in French Language and Literature gathered in the University Club to prepare for the international accreditation held by The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). It is planned that FIBAA visitation will be conducted online on August 7-9, 2024.
FIBAA is an international accreditation institution based in Germany. It was established for quality assurance and development in higher education. In addition, the accreditation aims to promote, renew, and reform systems and institutions in higher education, by providing quality certificates to educational programs and higher education institutions.
The preparation was a coordination meeting, led by dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D, to talk about and organize administrative stuff to prepare the accreditation. Each study program delivered its suggested participants–students, alumni, lecturers, and staff–to be the representatives. It also discussed the material for the handout to be distributed to the participants which can be the reference to collect the information regarding the faculty and study program. Previously, FIBAA has visited several study programs in Universitas Gadja Mada, which were Undergraduate and Master’s Programs in Law, Faculty of Psychology, and Master’s Program in Politics and Governance.
“Master’s program in Linguistics has been accredited by the BAN-PT and AUN-QA as an excellent study program. Taking part in this accreditation, it is expected that our study program will improve and solidify its quality, which has already been proven nationally and internationally. In other words, this accreditation will confirm that the Master’s Program in Linguistics is qualified internationally.” Dr. Suhandano, M.A., the head of the Master’s Program in Linguistics, stated.