Master’s Program in Linguistics, Universitas Gadjah Mada with other Master’s Program in Linguistics from Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Airlangga, and Universitas Jember gathered in Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya to hold a joint conference. The conference was held on October 15, 2024. The conference theme was Exploring the Roles and Impacts of Linguistics Studies in the Digital Era. Thirty-one students responded to the theme by bringing various issues to discuss in a panel session.
Tursina, a sociolinguistic student, and Alfina, a translation student, participated in the conference. In response to the theme, Tursina brought up the topic of how French media framed Islamophobia to be discussed, and Alfina initiated a conversation talking about transparency in translation and its implication for dynamic equivalence seen through a particular Netflix series.
“I was very happy to be able to be involved in the discussion. First of all, I got some significant feedback from the reviewers. I believe that it will strengthen my research analysis,” said Tursina. In line with Tursina, Alfina expressed that she was also glad to be involved in the panel discussions where she got an interesting quotation from her reviewer, which is “a translator is just a person who runs away from the reality, rather than saying the literal meaning of the particular utterance, they decide to say something else.” Tursina and Alfine also mentioned that seeing and listening to the presentation delivered by other participants from the Master’s Program in Linguistics, Universitas Gadjah Mada was inspiring and filled them with pride.
It was not only the students involved in the conversation but also the lecturer. Dr. Sajarwa, M.Hum was one of the keynote speakers. He sparked the conversation by talking about Resistensi dan Negosiasi Identitas Islam: Penerjemahan Kata Budaya Bahasa Perancis dalam Bahasa Indonesia (The Resistance and Negotiation of Islamic Identity: Translating French Cultural Words into Indonesian). Zasqia, one of the participants, expressed that the keynote speakers enlightened her because of the various topics they brought which allowed her and other participants to look at the linguistic problems from different perspectives as well as gave them another option to conduct linguistic research.
After the conference, it was expected that the discussion and the feedback they got from the reviewers and other participants may improve and enhance their writing and analysis skills. This collaboration also allowed the students to submit their research articles to the journal managed by each university or study program.