After the preparation of FIBAA international accreditation, that day had come. August 7-9, 2024 was the D-day for the event. The series of accreditations was held online where Universitas Gadjah Mada welcomed the accessor on the first day of the event followed by assessing the three study programs, the Bachelor of French Language and Literature, Bachelor of Philosophy, and Master’s in Linguistics, on the second and third day of the event.
The University held an online reception attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, as well as all vice deans, the Head of Master’s Program in Linguistics, the Head of Bachelor’s Program in French Language and Literature, and the Head of Bachelor’s Program in Philosophy. They discussed the various aspects regarding how the university responds to the learning system such as the strategy, the rankings, and research support. The discussion marked the initial meeting to accredit the three study programs.
On the second day, an in-depth discussion was held involving the lecturers, the students, and the alumni. It mainly focused on the discussion of how the study programs apply the learning system and its strategy to keep up-to-date with the rapid changes in the academic world and society. A similar discussion was held on the third day. It involved the academic staff and they talked about the way to manage and organize the educational practices within the study program. The third day was also the last day, thus, it was the end of the FIBAA visitation where the representatives of FIBAA closed the visitation by reviewing all the activity that had been conducted.
It is important for our study programs to be assessed by particular organizations or foundations. It is a medium to evaluate the study program, in particular for the Master’s Program in Linguistics, to maintain and improve the quality of the educational program. It also enables our study program to ensure curriculum, facilities, and overall educational practices meet the standards as well as to encourage us to stay current with the changing academic and professional demands, which will provide the student with high-quality education not to mention the quality of our graduate.