Through assistive technology devices and special learning software, students can access learning materials more easily and effectively. This ensures that no student is left behind in the quest for quality education for all.
Technology also has great potential in supporting and advancing education at various levels, and can contribute to achieving various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) collaborated with FIB Gadjah Mada University (UGM) on Wednesday, January 31 2024, explored LASSI as an assessment tool design in the form of a survey format used to identify areas of strength and areas which requires improvement in students’ study habits along with attitudes toward learning.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamisah Arifin in the discussion forum explained that through a research plan entitled “Utilising Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) as a Predictive Tool for Strategic Prediction of ESL/EFL Student Performance”, there are 9 components in the assessment in LASSI to identify learning problems faced by students include, Self-Regulation, Study Aids, Motivation, and Time Management. Then in this research it is hoped that LASSI can be used to assess the effectiveness as a predictive tool for ESL/ EFL student performance, as well as identifying the key factors and study strategies measured that correlate most strongly with ESL/ EFL student success.
Furthermore, there are various responses from Dr. Suhandano, Dr. Sailal Arimi, Dr. Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani and other FIB lecturers regarding the use of LASSI which might be implemented in various language teaching, not only English but also Indonesian, Javanese and so on.
A joint research plan between UiTM and FIB UGM through other fields of Linguistics such as Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics was formulated to examine more deeply the discourses in Indonesian and Malaysian news relating to the environment and language variations. This is an example of collaboration between educational institutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are in accordance with the 4th pillar, namely quality education to strengthen solidarity and partnership.