Students Gathering and the KALINGGA Handover Ceremony 2024

KALINGA, Dr. Suhandano, Dr. Sailal Arimi, and Drs. Tatang Hariri along with Master of Linguistics students across generations, carried out a 'Students Gathering' as well as the 'The KALINGGA Handover Ceremony 2024' on Friday, 23 February 2024. In this activity, various discussions related to academic activity in the Master of Linguistics UGM took place actively, such as transparency of student assessments and holding a prayer room in the Soegondo building so that lectures took place more efficiently. On this occasion, Dr. Suhandano also said that there would be a new application related to assessment, namely ‘Sioba’. Furthermore, final semester assignments also need to provide options other than articles and there is also a need for thesis research mentoring by lecturers. It is hoped that through this activity students will be more motivated to publish journals and be big on writing their theses so they can complete it on time.

The system of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) embraced in September 2015 by the UN, the worldwide improvement motivation for the primary time alludes to culture. The benefits of keeping up and progressing culture are accomplished through socially educated and viable execution of advancement objectives. Thus, discussion forums between lecturers and students can be a good culture to support and improve the quality of the learning environment.

In this activity, the stewardship of KALINGGA for the next 1 year was also officially appointed by Dr. Suhandano, witnessed by the previous year's KALINGGA Management and students from across generations who were present. In the next 1 year, KALINGGA is expected to become a forum that can accommodate the aspirations of Master of Linguistics students, support the growth of student achievement and innovation, including creating useful activities in the field of Linguistics and society.